Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Very Busy Boy

Oh, Diary. I am the sorriest ever that I haven't talken to you in a couple weeks.
I have been very busy playing with many new toys.
Of course I would have rather talked to you... but I couldn't upset mommy, daddy, Aunt Kahkee and Granma by not playing with toys.
They seemed to want me to play with them, so of course I did.

They said it was my birfday and I should do Happy Birfday things.
It was a little confoozing though. They gave me boxes that were very pretty and then had me tear the pretty pictures off.
Mommy usually yells at me if I tear pretty pictures, so I don't know why I was not a bad boy this time. But what is bestest is that under the pretty pictures were boxes with TOYS!!
It was so great.
I got a fire engine and my very own kitchen to cook in and other greatest stuff!

I was having so much fun with all my new toys. But then a couple days later someone I don't know gave me toys too!
Mommy said that during my nigh-nigh time, someone named San-na came into our house and left us all presents under the tree with pree lights!!
San-na gave me drums and a a car I can dwive!!!!!

I'd like to tell you more, Diary, but of course I have to get back to my playing. I promises Bruhver I would make him an orange juice donut cake in my kitchen.

1 comment:

Lace said...

Sounds like you got some good stuff! Better practice that cooking thing so you can cook mommy some breakfast in bed soon!