Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Mess!!!!!!

Sometimes I just don't understand Mommy.
Yesterday Mommy pointed to window and said "Look! Pree!"
But all I saw was that everything was colored white.
Then mommy said we would go for a walk.
A walk is always a good idea, so even though everything was white I said "YETH!" and got my shoes and socks.
But when I was outside walking the white stuff got all over my shoes!
It was a MESS!!!!
I tried to show mommy the mess, but she said it was ok.
How can a mess be ok?
She just didn't understand. So I did what any normal person with a mess would do. I cried and cried.
Mommy said "It's not a mess, it's ok." But she was wrong! It was a mess! It was all over my shoes and I knew if I walked it would get more on my shoes.
So I made mommy carry me.

Then I decided it would be bestest if I went in my house.
I was so upset with the mess that I still had to cry and cry.
The only thing that would make me better was a cookie. So I let mommy give me one.
After I had my cookie I started to worry about Brufver and Sitter, cause they were still outside in the mess.
But when I watched out the window and saw Brufver and Sitter throw white balls at each other and go BONK!
They didn't seem to mind.
And it was kinda funny.
But it was still a mess.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Baybee Says Hello

Baybee knows I talk to special friends here with you, Diary. So he asked if he could say something too.
I had to think about it a long long time.
After all, I put my mostest best thoughts here. So I didn't know if I wanted him to say things too.
But this morning he gave me one of his goodest smiles, so I said Oh K.

This is what Baybee says:
My name is Sammy but brufver Daniel calls me Baybee. I am very little so I don't have many words. But I want to say the sound of Mommy closing her eyes is very loud. I hope she won't do it again.

Monday, January 5, 2009


I woke up during my nigh-nigh time again.
I thought it would be a good idea to get up and go play my drums.
For some reason mommy would not let me.
I don't know why.
She usually likes it when I play my drums.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

I Talk Good

Mommy seems to have a problem.
For some reason she can't understand me even though I know I talk good.

I will talk to Mommy and she will say back to me "Honey, I don't know what you are saying."
So, because I know Mommy needs extra help, I say it again.
She just looks at me. "Mama glabhad beepo unda gah mee yaaahdo too?", she says.

Why does she say that?
I am very clearly saying "Mommy, I cannot find my big monkey. Could you please come in my room and look for it with me?"

I hope she starts to understand me soon. This is getting very frustrating.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Very Busy Boy

Oh, Diary. I am the sorriest ever that I haven't talken to you in a couple weeks.
I have been very busy playing with many new toys.
Of course I would have rather talked to you... but I couldn't upset mommy, daddy, Aunt Kahkee and Granma by not playing with toys.
They seemed to want me to play with them, so of course I did.

They said it was my birfday and I should do Happy Birfday things.
It was a little confoozing though. They gave me boxes that were very pretty and then had me tear the pretty pictures off.
Mommy usually yells at me if I tear pretty pictures, so I don't know why I was not a bad boy this time. But what is bestest is that under the pretty pictures were boxes with TOYS!!
It was so great.
I got a fire engine and my very own kitchen to cook in and other greatest stuff!

I was having so much fun with all my new toys. But then a couple days later someone I don't know gave me toys too!
Mommy said that during my nigh-nigh time, someone named San-na came into our house and left us all presents under the tree with pree lights!!
San-na gave me drums and a a car I can dwive!!!!!

I'd like to tell you more, Diary, but of course I have to get back to my playing. I promises Bruhver I would make him an orange juice donut cake in my kitchen.