Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Uh Oh Night Night

I don't know what is going wrong.
I was doing nigh nigh the way I like it, but mommy didn't do it my way tonight!

When mommy puts me to nigh nigh I cry and cry until she then gets me and we lay on her bed and watch my shows on the big TV. It is so nice. I get to do some cuddling with mommy and Bestest Friend Monkey and binky while watching shows.
She always is done with big tv before me -- and I try to tell her by crying -- but I don't think she hears me.

But when daddy puts me nigh nigh I don't bother to cry.
I know daddy won't do the big tv cuddling.
So I just go to sleep.

For many nights daddy was home to put me nigh nigh so I just had to listen to my Elmo la-las and go to sleep.
But finally tonight it was just mommy again.
So, I cried and cried like always.
But mommy didn't come in!

I cried and cried more and I got really upset. I even yelled at her and hit my bed with my hands.
Then mommy came in... but she didn't even pick me up!!!!!!
All she did was give me a hug and then say "Daniel it is nigh nigh time, I won't come in again."


What is going wrong!?!?!?

I don't understand.
I thought mommy knew what I wanted!!!

I was upset but I could tell she was telling the truth. So I decided to go to sleep after a couple minutes.

I'll try again tomorrow though.
She probably wasn't really serious about not coming in again. I probably gave up too easy.
Maybe she didn't hear how upset I was.
I will cry longer tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Poor Daniel!! I know how tough it is when you don't get what you want! Big Mean Mommy... ;)